Saturday, November 6, 2010

Miley Cyrus - Busted for Under-Aged Drinking!

Miley's at it again. Miley was recently caught in a bar, with a bottle of Corona in her hand, in Spain! Of course, in Spain, you only have to be 18 to drink, but, SHE'S ONLY 17!!!

Honestly...Do you think she'll end up like Lindsay Lohan???


  1. of course she will end up like lindsey lohan, i maen look at her she's a SLUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. i KNOW!! i agree with mrs.bieber101

  3. mrs.bieber101, anonymous, I totally agree with you guys! She has no rights to be a role model for kids! I might be just 13, but I know who's a good role model and who's not!


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